Saturday, April 25, 2009

So There is a new puffle catalog. There is only one cheat. But there is a white house for your white puffle.




Lol. Ok look wat billybob said. Also I am going to Sacremto on Monday- Wednesday. So Mabc plz take over.


Hello Penguins!

A new sled and new songs! Game upgrades to Sled Racing and Dance Contest are here and we’re really excited to hear what you think.

dance.jpgIf you could create a design for a toboggan, what features would it have? We’d love to hear from you about the kinds of things you would add to the sled of your dreams!
In Other News: There’s a new pin hidden today so get your friends together and see who can find it first.

There's still more....

Well not really, sorry.

~Hoper25 :D~

1 comment:

Grape or Lexie said...

Burito please tell me were that pin is. Come on I was the first one to comment. Please